Prof. Dr. Dirk Rohde, Free Waldorf School Marburg; since 1988 teacher for Biology, Chemistry and interdisciplinary science, mainly for upper grades. Besides Waldorf education in general, within teaching, my main focuses are student experiments, achieving high school degrees by using Waldorf methods, and research projects on various pedagogical topics. In my PhD-thesis, I explored the idea and practice of ‚lively’ teaching. More recently, I did extensive research on how Waldorf students cope with the demands of university entrance exams. I proceeded with scientific educational research as a professor of Alanus university. And I train students and teachers there as well as at Waldorf Seminar Kassel, University of Marburg, and within the International Waldorf School movement. Organization of meetings of Waldorf teachers, school management, communication with parents, and judicial school questions also have to be dealt with frequently.